client research (smile campaign)

the client for this campaign is the happy foundations, the campaign is a movement of people that encourage people to live their lives in a more positive way by encouraging them to put a smile on in everyday situations like work, school, home and in the community and the campaign is called the smile campaign. the company wants me to do a smile advertising campaign where I will need to produce a print and video adverts which relates to the client and audience. because the client is a charity group the issues would be budgeting and because of that the adverts will not be up to professional standard.

target audience
my target audience is people within my community mostly people from college students and staff. the target audience is mainly people in college that are going through stress and different mental problems like, anxiety, depression, bipolar, different forms of ocd and different dysmorphia, to help my target audience and match the criteria of the brief i will need to study my audiences demographics and educate my self on where they from, their religious beliefs, ethnicity, age, and sex to get a bigger picture of my audience and understand their mental challenges and help the tackle those problems in the way the audience feels comfortable with and turn that into some positivity and put a smile on their face, i will also need to understand the psychographics of my target audience by studying their moods aspirations the view perceptions on life and other psychological aspects of my audience. the mental health social grade states that 3 in 5 employees suffer and show symptoms of mental health in the work environment and 1 in 2 people are uncomfortable talking about their mental health and suffer in silence this information was publish by (business in the community mental health at work report back in 2017).        
The target audience is people within my community and i picked my college community, the age region is people aged 16-25 where mental health strikes the most and effects the lives of teenagers and young adults. this website link will take you to the Samaritans website and it shows the statistics of mental health in the uk as a whole it shows the mental health statistics in men, women, teens and young adults. the issues i have to consider are no funding for the making of the advert which is not exactly a big problem and there are ways to get over it, also the lock-down really limited the resources to produce the advert so it wont be up to expectation but it will match the criteria just will have a few changes.

I found out that in 2019 there were 5,691 suicides in England and wales, a standardized 11 suicides per 100,000 people which is congruent with the 2018 suicide rates. three quarters of suicides in England were men ( 4,303 deaths by suicide in 2019) males aged 45-49 had the highest age specific suicide rate of 25.5 suicides per 100,000 men, however woman's age group that was the most common was 50-54 with 7.4 suicides per 100,000 women. the suicide rates genuinely increased for under 25s, especially females aged 10-24 since 2012 to its higher number of 3.1 suicides per 100,000 young women in 2019. the all aged statistics for male suicides in the uk is a big 16.9 suicides per 100,000 men which is the highest since 2000 and it remains in line with the 2018 statistics. I gathered this information from the office for national statistics website.
For stress reduce i have used some of my own cooping strategies one of them would be watching comedies for example because your brain is occupied by the positive and humorous scenes in the movie other ways i reduce stress would be by listening to music especially my favorite playlist and you could do that by it self or with other activities like working out, going on walks, taking your pet for a walk or even taking a shower, personally music is a very good way of reducing stress. further more to reduce stress you need to tackle the thinking processors by recognizing the thing that is causing you stress and tackling that problem it might help if you change the ways you respond to the stress you having by reading a stress managing and reducing guide, keeping a stress diary so you can note what is stressing you out and how you could overcome it in a congruent future situation, get legal advice from your GP or therapist, get relationship support whether its from your partner, friends or family, its always good to talk to people, improve your sleeping pattern so your head is more clear for the day ahead and more focused on the things that keep you occupied and happy. by using this website and studying the research i have learned numerous ways that might help reduce stress some of them as simple as sleeping or jotting things down in to a notebook.
By studying the research i have gathered i have learned vast statistics on uk's mental health over the years and in various age groups which gives me a more clear understanding of my target audience and of what is expected from me for the client.
The impact smiling has on people is very beneficial, when you smile the human brain produces tiny chemical molecules called neuropeptides to help fight stress and anxiety. neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin and endorphins also come into play by acting as motivation boosters, antidepressants and small pain reliefs, even fake smiling can release chemicals in your brain that boost your mood and moral this especially is useful for people suffering from anxiety and depression so sometimes its worth cracking a fake smile to turn it into a real one. ur%20brain,the%20serotonin%20is%20an%20antidepressant.
While gathering this research i have learned that even a simple smile on a persons face can have a big impact on their mood in a positive way without them even realizing. this helps me with my production because i have more knowledge on the chemistry in the human brain and how to help my target audience by sharing positive vibes.  

This research is very useful to me because it gives me a better understanding of the client and target audience also also it gave me more knowledge on mental health and how to deal with it and look for solutions to overcome it which game me ideas of what i would include in my print advert to satisfy the client and target audience, websites like mind and Samaritans gave me ideas what codes and conventions to use for my print ad so it stands out and has a affect on the audience.


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