Existing product analysis
I have chosen this interview by DJVlad where he interviews the rapper Hopsin where they talk about the music industry and the thought of digital production and ghost writing. the interview is focused just on the rapper buy being taking with a mid camera shot to illustrate the subject all the way through out the video, also there is a drum set in the background in the interview room to show the audience that interview is music related. also the criteria of the interview is about different artists in the music industry and how they make it work in the digital age. the interview also talks about Dr Dre and royce da 5'9 in 2:40 where the interview cuts to a flashback of a interview with a different artist also talking about the same subject of ghost writing in the music industry. the things i would take from this interview and apply it to my own would be the instruments in the background to address that the interview is related to the subject which is music also i would use the mid angle shot to adress the guest on the interview. also i would use the timelaps to adress the changes in the music industry in my interview because of the digital age.
The secound video that i have chosen features Alicia keys and she is interviewed by apple music. she is interviewed about her music career, the world, and the music industry overall she also talks about how us humans have an impact on the world living with the technology we have now. Alicia also talk about her own difficulties while growing up in New York and how it affected her mental state by giving her anxiety and insecurities. what caught my eye about the interview is the setting out and the camera shots, at the begging of the interview the camera shots are focused on the setting out of the video, the room, instrumants and the subjects which are the interviewer and Alicia. i like when the camera is in focus on Alicia through out the video the background is out of focus but you can see the subject and the instrument she preferably plays which is the piano on her right when the shot is taking this is a medium close up (MCU) shot. the piano represents her in a artist way because the is famous for playing the piano which gives the interview masculinity about the subject. also i noticed the (WS) wide shot where it addresses the back ground with all the objects, the interviewer and the interviewee. this video is very useful because the camera shots are focusing on different subjects through out the interview so the audience isn't staring just at one spot also the camera techniques at the begging of the interview where its focusing on the piano and the guest to show that this is a music interview.
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