
Showing posts from January, 2021

journal (culture in the digital age)

 16th November I will be creating a brain storm (mind map) on versos ideas and relevant things to the digital age, like social media platforms, radio and tv platforms and the music industry using technology to adapt and evolve with the digital age and say how all those platforms and ideas link and work together. i have done my brain storm of ideas but I ran out of time to explain the brain storm and how all the ideas link together. 14th December today i will be doing existing product analysis i will use a DJ Vlad interview and a Adam22 interview they both are music related interviews and i will try and get as much done as possible. unfortunately i have not finished the analysis but i have a good idea on what im doing and im planing on doing it in my free time.16th December  i have finished my existing product analysis in my free time and now I'm moving on to chosen idea. i have finished my chosen idea and elaborated on it why i chose that specific idea and whys its relevant to...

Smile campaign pitch

Smile campaign pitch the target audience for this type of product are people within my community, which is the people in my college aged 16-25 that are experiencing different forms of stress, pressure, phobias and other forms of mental health that have an impact on their everyday lives. in the clients brief it specifically states that the target audience is people within my community which are young adults aged between 16-25 that are suffering from stress and mental health. The rate of suicide in women under the age of 25 has increased by 93.8% since 2012 to its highest peak in 2019, this information can be found on the Samaritans website.   Also i have found out that young men aged 17,18 to 24 are 48% less likely to seek out for professional help which increased the suicide rates in young men by 52.7% since 2007 and the numbers are still climbing .

flat plan for my print advert (smile campaign)

  this is an image of my flat plan drawing for the smile campaign print advert its a three piece poster with the stages of struggling with mental health to getting yourself on your feet, asking for help and recovering from the dark place you were in  and reaching for your dreams and aspirations and being in a positive frame of mind. 

client research (smile campaign)

client the client for this campaign is the happy foundations, the campaign is a movement of people that encourage people to live their lives in a more positive way by encouraging them to put a smile on in everyday situations like work, school, home and in the community and the campaign is called the smile campaign. the company wants me to do a smile advertising campaign where I will need to produce a print and video adverts which relates to the client and audience. because the client is a charity group the issues would be budgeting and because of that the adverts will not be up to professional standard. target audience my target audience is people within my community mostly people from college students and staff. the target audience is mainly people in college that are going through stress and different mental problems like, anxiety, depression, bipolar, different forms of ocd and different dysmorphia, to help my target audience and match the criteria of the brief i will need to study ...