journal (culture in the digital age)
16th November I will be creating a brain storm (mind map) on versos ideas and relevant things to the digital age, like social media platforms, radio and tv platforms and the music industry using technology to adapt and evolve with the digital age and say how all those platforms and ideas link and work together. i have done my brain storm of ideas but I ran out of time to explain the brain storm and how all the ideas link together. 14th December today i will be doing existing product analysis i will use a DJ Vlad interview and a Adam22 interview they both are music related interviews and i will try and get as much done as possible. unfortunately i have not finished the analysis but i have a good idea on what im doing and im planing on doing it in my free time.16th December i have finished my existing product analysis in my free time and now I'm moving on to chosen idea. i have finished my chosen idea and elaborated on it why i chose that specific idea and whys its relevant to...