Emma - magazine evaluation

 magazine cover evaluation 

what i like about the magazine cover that i have made is the colours i picked and the way i arranged the layout and and fonts for my headline, masthead, and subheadings the photo i have used for my background is a photo of the college the arts block to give the reader a hint on what the college magazine is going to be about plus my colour scheme matches the college colours. what i don't really like about the cover are some of the images that i have used and edited onto the cover but later on realised that they dont match/suit either the colour or the layout of my magazine cover also i could of added more information about certain subjects and this would lure the reader in also i could of added an anchor or a pull quote to attract my target audience i also could of managed my time better so i could get my magazine cover finished and up to the standards that i want it to be i need to stop focusing big amounts of time on one part of the task and chose my images a bit more carefully so they match the magazine colours.


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