Meeting the brief (culture in the digital age)
Meeting the brief The client for this brief is CMP media which is looking for a documentary on culture in the digital. The target audience audience are people within my culture aged between 13 and 19. The deadline for this project is 22nd February and the re-submission date is on the 5th of march. So for this brief i am creating a 15 minute documentary interview with a college friend covering the evolution of technology, music, social media, media platforms, the impact it has on its audience and the impact it has on mental health. my idea meets the brief because it covered all those criteria and they all relate to each other in further detail because musicians and rappers start trends people follow them some don't fit in and bullying and mockery comes in which impacts peoples mental health in which then drug abuse starts because of listening to modern rap artists to block out the psychological pain that promote this type of behavior. to elaborate on this matter music, mental health...